package 1
You’re on the lookout for a new purchase and you’ve spotted your dream buy or several properties that show a lot of promise, whether it’s vacant land or an existing dwelling. The buyers market is a fast game! You want a quick turnaround property analysis to aid your decision-making, this one is for you!
Quick and concise property assessment
24-hour turnaround
Concise key property insights & data
Concise key site / property analysis
Key insights, zoning, covenants, local regulations
Core logic base information
Quick easy to read for clarity of decision making before final property selection & purchase
If you’re ready to pull the trigger…
fill inquiry form below we’ll send you a quote!
package 2
Expanded & detailed property assessment
7 working day turn around
Full property report (core logic)
Detailed property data and insights
Key site analysis
Detailed insights, zoning, covenants
Potential dwelling size, square meterage, number of bedrooms etc.
Obtain a copy of your land title, purchased on your behalf
package 3
Full & comprehensive property assessment
14 working day turn around
Full property report (core logic)
Detailed property data and insights
Detailed site analysis
Detailed insights, zoning, covenants
Diagrammatic concept design specific to site
Potential dwelling size, sqm, no. of bedrooms etc
Obtain a copy of your land title, purchased on your behalf
Here are a few questions purchasers and investors may, or may not, have in their minds which will ultimately shape their future growth, value and returns for better or for worse…
What is the building envelope on this property?
What size house can I build in this property?
What are the Development Control Plan (DCP) and LEP requirements and regulations on this property?
What are specific conditions are unique to this property?
Can I add an ancillary/secondary dwelling or ‘granny flat’ to this property? And will it require council approval or can it be approved by a certifier / building surveyor?
Can I subdivide this property down the track? If so how many lots can I create?
Can I create a dual occupancy on this property?
Is my property in a bush fire zone? If so, what is it’s BAL level? And what does that mean for any building projects?
Whether people know it or not, they’ll run into these questions at some point. Better before a purchase or money spent then afterwards
We can help answer these questions for your property up front in a clear and easy to understand way, helping the clarity of your decisions, purchases and future property projects.